KR497T Servo Tip-on System

Product information



Kirk-Rudy quality guarantee

Kirk-Rudy's 497T Servo Attaching system accurately attaches plastic cards and other products onto carriers.

High-speed, accurate placement is achieved using a servo-driven friction feeder. Vertical and side to side adjustments of the friction feeder make setup quick and easy.

Quick-setting hot melt adhesive securely holds the item in place. Run plastic cards, magnets as well as a variety of folded paper products and apply up to three pieces onto a single carrier.

If needed, the standalone feeder is easily mounted onto another product transport or web press.


  • Quick and easy setup
  • High speed accuracy (up to 400 ft. per minute)
  • Adjustment knobs quickly and accurately set feeder location and height
  • Pivot the feeder upward and away from the transport table for jams or maintenance
  • Make off-line, high-production jobs easier with optional KR Autoloader and feeder.

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